Homemade Survival kit

Homemade Survival kit

A homemade survival kit and emergency pack
Homemade Survival Pack

   A survival kit or pack can easily be made with simple household items and some other survival preparedness type items. The most obvious items would have to be water and food has they are essential for life. Having enough food for several weeks if necessary and at least 20 gallons of water, having more water is better then not enough.

First Aid 

   First aid is very important in any survival pack a home survival kit needs to have a more advance first aid kit then a carry around type survival pack. It needs to have all the medication that your family might need, and if a family member needs some type of prescription then store enough medication for a month. Flash lights, extra batteries, duct tape, radio, and a weapon, these are some of the things you need to have in your homemade survival kit. 

 Survival Weapons

   A weapon is very important to have in any survival kit, a way of defending your family is very important during a natural disaster, because of the looting that happens after the disaster. Having a plan in these kinds of situations can save you and your family’s life.
Homemade survival weapons kit for disasters
Homemade Survival Weapons Kit
   The ideal weapons for your everyday survivalist would have to be a 9 mm pistol, a 22 rifle and a 12 Gage shot gun. Most people can handle all these guns, I would recommend that you practice with all of them and understand the basics of shooting in general. Understanding the guns functions is very important as well because a miss fire at the wrong time could get you killed if you don't know what to do. So practice has much as possible and stock has many bullets as you possibly can to prepare your homemade survival pack.

 Bug Out Plan

a bug-out plan to get out of town
Bug-out Plan 

   A bug out plan to get out of town and where to go after you get out of town is important, having a bug out vehicle with all your survival supplies in it already is I deal but not reasonable for the everyday survivalist. If you can't afford a bug out vehicle I would recommend a variety of bug out bags that are easy to grab and go whenever necessary. 

 Personalize your Survival Kit 

   These are just some of the items that should be in your homemade survival kit, the point of a homemade survival kit is to customize it to your family’s needs and your budget allows. Prepare for any and everything you can possibly think in you can survive anything.
